
‘I Ended Up Seeing a Therapist’: Ugly Side of Golf Gets Painfully Exposed After Tour Caddie’s Mental Health Confession

Prepare to delve into the hidden depths of professional golf. It’s where the untold stories emerge, exposing the dark side of the sport. In a groundbreaking interview with Golf Monthly, an anonymous tour caddie dares to shed light on the emotional struggles endured behind the scenes. This eye-opening revelation uncovers the impact of the intense pressure and verbal abuse that the caddies face, which leaves a lasting scar on their well-being.

With the weight of each swing and the relentless pursuit of success, the fine line between triumph and defeat pushes emotions to their limits. Join us as we navigate the uncharted territories of the golfing world and uncover the stories rarely spoken about.

Unveiling the hidden struggles of caddies

In a candid interview with Golf Monthly, an anonymous Tour caddie revealed the emotional toll of enduring verbal abuse from a player. The caddie shared how constant derogatory remarks, even if meant in a joking manner, took a toll on his self-esteem. Eventually, the man on the bag had to seek out therapy to cope with the situation, afraid of the potential consequences of confronting the player directly.

The caddie explained that the fine line between success and failure in the highly competitive world of golf creates immense pressure on both players and caddies. Every shot carries significant weight, and the proximity to failure adds to the already intense emotions. The Caddie said, “Words really can hurt. One player who I like used to call me ‘dumba**’ after every bad shot anytime we were in disagreement. He said it in jest but… if you keep hearing you’re a dumba**, you begin to think: ‘Well, maybe I am a dumba**.’”


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