David and Victoria Beckham recreate their ‘Be Honest’ moment in hilarious Super Bowl ad

The world of marketing is vast and the scope has no limit. Brands rightly take advantage of the plethora of creativity marketing allows to put their name on the top and let people know they are worth the hype. Uber Eats recently shared an exciting and applause-worthy commercial featuring the bold and beautiful David and Victoria Beckham with a hilariously creative twist. The couple replicated the scene from their documentary, which went viral and this time, the cause was all the more wholesome and refreshing. The couple who starred in the “Beckham” documentary on Netflix had a scene where Victoria explained her family background on camera.
While she pulled off the statement that she and David were from working families, the footballer snooped at the back, asking his wife to be honest. Victoria then came clean and revealed contradictory to her words, her dad would drive her to school in an iconic Rolls-Royce. This adorable and hysterical banter from the documentary picked up quickly and went viral everywhere. With memes and videos surfacing online, Uber Eats took interesting advantage of the same. In the recent commercial shared on Instagram, Victoria and David recreated the scene for the brand. It began with Victoria seated in front of the camera in a similar setting as that of the documentary.