VIDEO: Golf Cart Accident on Course Results in Fatal Injury

The saying ‘You only live once’ has given people the will and motivation to take risks and forego the worry of “what ifs.” A viral video clip showed the moment a group of friends took their moment of fun a tad bit too far and paid a heavy price.
Uploaded by the channel ‘BrutalCams‘ the video showed a golf cart or caddy, which is popularly called in golf terms, coming down a steep slope. The person driving the cart took it off the road and turned towards the grassy fields on the sides.
The turn he took to make their way onto the grassy side was a sharp one, and they approached the turn with great speed, too. The man then proceeded to try and drift the golf cart coming down at high speed and tried to get off the cart amidst all the action.
The steep turn caused the caddy to lose balance as all weight transferred to one side. The cart overturned, and the man driving it was caught right under it. The cart fell straight over his head, and in the video, the man hit the ground completely motionless.
Reports later revealed that the man driving the cart passed away on the way to the hospital, and his friend with him is in critical condition. This video took the internet by storm as netizens showed concern for the injured man.