Paige Spiranac sobbed after dressing down by goody two-shoes golfer

Prudes targeting the golf world’s golden girl, Paige Spiranac, is par for the course.
But now the 29-year-old former pro is telling fans that one particularly nasty encounter with a golfing Mrs. Grundy left her in tears.
Spiranac said on her Playing A Round podcast that she sobbed all the way home after her encounter with the vindictive Victorian at a new course. She noted she had made sure to follow the course’s dress code.
She told her listeners: “I wore something that I knew I wouldn’t get in trouble with. I had a collar, I zipped the zipper up so there was no cleavage showing, it came about mid-thigh, and I felt like it was a very appropriate outfit.
“This lady goes up to one of the workers and I hear her talking to this guy, and I can’t quite make it out. Then all of a sudden I hear, ‘What she’s wearing is inappropriate, we have rules, I’m going to talk to her.’
“I tee off and I’m shaking because I never want to be in a position where I’m making a bad first impression. I (like to) look appropriate because I know the misconceptions on me to begin with so I really try to dress as appropriately as possible.”
After the unnerving course introduction, Spiranac played her round but was ambushed by the same woman in the parking lot.
“She comes straight up to me, stops me in the parking lot, and she goes, ‘Woman to woman, you need to hear this. You look cute but that is highly inappropriate, we have rules here and you cannot wear that outfit,’” she recalled.
She was so condescending and so rude to me. She was talking to me like I’d never been on a golf course before and like I wasn’t rich enough to know these rules, and I’m just a stupid young girl that looks s****y on the golf course.
“I was just out there minding my own business and she makes a point to make me feel so small. It was one of the most traumatizing experiences that’s happened to me on a golf course in a long time.
“I literally cried all the way home.”