Was Picking Lexi Thompson Over Nelly Korda a Wrong Decision Done by the PGA Tour? Answering the Million-Dollar Question

The PGA Tour’s decision to invite Lexi Thompson to play in the 2023 QBE Shootout over Nelly Korda was a controversial one. Korda is the current world No. 1 and has won two majors in the past two years, while Thompson has not won a major since 2014.
Some people argued that the PGA Tour should have invited Korda because she is the better player and deserves to be recognized for her accomplishments. Others argued that the PGA Tour should have invited Thompson because she is a more popular player and would attract more viewers.
Ultimately, the PGA Tour decided to invite Thompson. There are a few reasons why this may have been the case. First, Thompson is a more experienced player than Korda. She has played in more PGA Tour events and has a better record against men. Second, Thompson is more outgoing and charismatic than Korda. She is more likely to give interviews and interact with fans. Third, Thompson is a better fit for the QBE Shootout, which is a team event. She is known for her ability to hit the ball long and straight, which is an important skill in the scramble format.
So, was the PGA Tour wrong to pick Thompson over Korda? It depends on who you ask. Some people will say yes, while others will say no. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides.
Here is a more interesting take on the question:
The PGA Tour’s decision to pick Thompson over Korda was a smart one from a business perspective. Thompson is a more marketable player than Korda. She is more popular on social media and has more endorsements. She is also a better fit for the QBE Shootout, which is a team event that is designed to be fun and entertaining.
The PGA Tour is a business, and like any business, it is interested in making money. Thompson is more likely to attract viewers and sponsors than Korda, so the PGA Tour made the right decision from a business perspective.
However, the PGA Tour also has a responsibility to the game of golf. It should be promoting the best players in the world, regardless of their popularity or marketability. Korda is the best player in the world, so the PGA Tour should have invited her to play in the QBE Shootout.
The PGA Tour could have found a way to have both Thompson and Korda play in the QBE Shootout. For example, they could have created a special exemption for Korda. Or, they could have had Thompson and Korda play as a team.
Ultimately, the PGA Tour’s decision to pick Thompson over Korda was a missed opportunity. It was a decision that was made for business reasons, not for golfing reasons.