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Murray family and ATP stars take over The White House! Find out who toured The White House and see pictures.

Andy Murray’s mother and his brother Jamie, along with some of the ATP stars taking part in the Washington Open, took the opportunity to visit the White House. Among the players that paid a trip to the current home of President Joe Biden were Gregoire Barrere, Liam Broady, Maximo Gonzalez, Adrian Mannarino, Fabrice Martin, Andres Molteni, and Hugo Nys, as reported by the ATP.The stars took a tour of The White House.

Andy Murray’s mother posted pictures from the event. “Today was extra special. Had a private tour of the White House with Jamie thanks to the British Ambassador in Washington. (Thanks) Lydia and Robyn for your time and insights.

Memories for a lifetime. Loved it,” said Judy on X/Twitter.

Here are other photos posted by some of the other attending ATP stars.


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