Rafael Nadal says “neither moments of great euphoria nor moments of depression, trying to learn from things and that’s it. There’s no more.”

**Nadal’s quote reflects his mature and balanced approach to life and tennis.** He is not one to dwell on the highs or the lows, but rather to focus on learning and growing from each experience. This attitude has helped him to achieve great success in tennis, and it is likely to serve him well in the years to come.
In the quote, Nadal uses the phrase “neither moments of great euphoria nor moments of depression.” This suggests that he does not experience extreme emotions, either positive or negative. Instead, he seems to be able to maintain a sense of equanimity, even in the face of adversity.
This is a valuable quality for a professional athlete, as it allows them to stay focused and perform at their best even when they are facing challenges. Nadal’s ability to stay calm under pressure has been one of the keys to his success.
The phrase “trying to learn from things and that’s it” also reflects Nadal’s maturity. He understands that life is a journey of learning, and that each experience has something to teach him. This attitude has helped him to grow as a person and as a tennis player.
Nadal is a role model for many people, and his quote is a reminder that it is important to stay balanced and focused, even in the face of challenges. His attitude is an inspiration to us all.