The One Text Message That Ruined Tiger Woods’ Marriage With Elin Nordegren

Elin Nordegren got millions following her divorce from Tiger Woods. It seems like Erica Herman is trying to take the same road following her split from Tiger Woods, with lawsuits starting to pile up. Nonetheless, this isn’t new territory for Tiger.
His world was completely flipped upside down back in 2009 when National Enquirer ran a story about his secret life. Believe it or not, New York Post revealed Tiger managed to keep things cool at home with Nordegren, even with the publication releasing such a story.
So how did things really blow up? As we’ll reveal in the following, it was a certain text message that caused chaos between Woods and Nordegren. We’ll reveal what that text message said, and the drama that ensued. We’ll also reveal Rahcel Uchitel’s final conversation with Tiger, and what was said between the two.
Rachel Uchitel Regrets Signing An NDA As It Ruined Her Personal Life
Following the scandal going public, Rachel Uchitel was contacted by Tiger Woods’ team. According to Uchitel, his team immediately set a price to have all her text messages confiscated, along with an NDA involving anything her time with Tiger.
The initial price was said to be $5 million, with an additional $3 million given per year. Ultimately, Uchitel didn’t get anywhere near that sum, walking away with $2 million.
Rachel would go on to state that she was bullied throughout the process by Tiger’s team into signing the agreement. Uchitel reveals that she suffered because of it, unable to speak her truth and coming across like a homewrecker.
She recently said alongside Daily Mail, “I will not be gagged because it is the worst feeling, the worst feeling to have your voice tied and to not be able to tell your side of the story. In the absence of truth, people make up anything they want and that is so debilitating. You lose all sense of power, all sense of self-esteem and people judge you not based on facts.”
She continues, “It’s not a way to live, and it really can ruin your life, and it’s not worth the money. Ever. It was not worth it because so many of those things said were not true.”
Elin Nordegren Found A Text In Tiger Woods’ Phone That Said, “You’re The Only One I Ever Loved”
It was the National Enquirer story back in 2009 that changed Uchitel’s life forever. However, when the story came out, Tiger was able to settle things down behind the scenes, putting Uchitel and the phone with his then-wife Elin Nordegren.
According to New York Post, Tiger felt relieved after the conversation, but Nordegren wasn’t sold on Uchitel and Woods’ explanation. Once Tiger fell asleep, things would completely blow up after Elin found a message in Tiger’s phone.
New York Post reveals, “On Thanksgiving night, after Woods, an insomniac, took an Ambien and fell asleep, Nordegren took his phone and scrolled for Uchitel’s number. She clicked on it and found a text from her husband: “You are the only one I’ve ever loved.”
It was now 1 a.m. on Friday, and Nordegren, described by friends as an exceptionally controlled person, thought for a moment. How could she be sure to catch her husband in this lie?”
The situation would only worsen when Nordegren began texting Uchitel as Tiger. Elin would call Uchitel as well and at that point, things got ugly with Tiger waking up and taking back his phone. We all know what happens next, as Nordegren would lose her cool, allegedly chasing Tiger with a golf club.
Rachel Uchitel Revealed Her Last Ever Text Message To Tiger Woods
After many attempts, Uchitel would finally get a hold of Tiger Woods. She claims that his team did everything possible to ensure she wouldn’t get a hold of the golfer.
When they finally spoke, Tiger urged Uchitel to get as much money as possible from the NDA. In her view, it was his way of telling her “I love you” one last time.
“None of the people around Tiger would answer my phone calls. It was the first time that I spoke to him since the accident. He told me that his lawyers were going to call about a settlement of confidentiality. He said to me, ‘get as much as you can.’ And I think to him, that was his only way to love me at the time,” Uchitel says.
Although Tiger got divorced, he managed to keep an amicable relationship with Nordegren, clearly for the sake of the kids. However, his personal life took another twist after he changed the locks to his home and separated from girlfriend, Erica Herman.
It remains to be seen what comes out of that situation, while Uchitel still plans on speaking her truth and telling her side of the story one day.