According to the National Enquirer, Woods wants to remarry Nordegren and he’s offering a huge chunk of change to get her back.
The magazine also reports that Tiger even proposed to her over Christmas, getting down on one knee and presenting Nordegren with a ring.
Nordegren is reportedly considering the proposal from Woods, who is desperate to get Nordegren back, but wants a $350 million anti-cheating clause added to the contract.
Woods’ proposed deal reportedly is worth over half of his estimated $600 million fortune.
Tiger didn’t even balk at the demand. Even though his accountants think he’s crazy, he’s ready to sign the pre-nup and set a wedding date,” a source told the magazine.
“The guy has never recovered from being dumped by Elin. He’s dated lots of models and bimbos, but none of them were more than a one night stand.”
Woods and Nordegren met in 2001 after being introduced by Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik, for whom Elin was a nanny. The couple became engaged in November 2003 and married more than a year later in October 2004.