
‘I Miss Seeing My Friends…’: Lydia Ko Once Got Emotional About Her Parents’ Advice on Sacrificing Her Happiness for a Greater Cause



Lydia Ko has become one of the world’s leading female golfers, and she has been dominating the circuits for quite some time. The 25-year-old ripped up amateur records during her younger days on the Tour.



However, all of those came at a price. Her early success meant she was playing golf on a daily basis instead of living a normal life. Ko once bemoaned the issue during her childhood but remained firm on her parents’ life-changing advice.



A young Lydia Ko speaks about her childhood
Having broken records left, right, and center, Ko was the darling of women’s golf. Sports and media channels rushed to have an interview with her, with the teenager often candid about her feelings.



In one of those many segments, Ko lamented her hectic schedule. She made fun of her life, calling it full of golf. “I miss seeing my friends going to movies,” she bemoaned.

However, was it Ko’s decision to let go of those pleasures to channel her focus to golf? Was it a sacrifice she was willingly prepared to make? Though young, Ko was a wise lady already.

“Last year, I was like, oh my god, I still want to see my friends. But my parents keep telling if you make a sacrifice, then something that you want to achieve will come,” she said. The early success never ruined Ko, who stood grounded in her journey.


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