Andy Murray hilariously trolls mum Judy Murray after Instagram fail

Sir Andy Murray often surprises fans by reminding them he isn’t always the serious-faced tennis player you see on the court – he actually has a great sense of humour too! The tennis ace proved this on Monday night when he hilariously trolled his mum Judy Murray after she suffered a huge Instagram fail. The 60-year-old had shared a post captioned, “how to say hello in mandarin”, and spelled out the word with the fruit. But an unfortunate cropping of the image removed the letters H and O in “hello” which sadly ruined her joke. After she uploaded the image, Andy was quick to pull his mother up on the mistake and even joked he would be unfollowing her on the social media platform.
Commenting on the post, the 32-year-old wrote: “Hi mum… you’ve done it again. Instagram is a visual platform so if you post a picture with half the content cut out it doesn’t work… you will get less likes and people will unfollow you (probably a wise decision on their part). This just looks like a few mandarins scattered on a table… I wouldn’t want people to think you’re a mad old lady,” he added. “Please try to do better. Love from your baby boy x Ps. This is your final warning before I unfollow.”
Judy’s followers were quick to share their delight at Andy’s response to his mum, with one commenting: “Sons and mums. Love it Andy & am sure Judy loved it too. Such a helpful boy.” Another said: “Mother and son goals,” while a third added: “Thank you Judy and Andy for making me laugh this morning!”
In an effort to make things right on Tuesday, Judy re-posted the picture, this time showing the mandarins actually spelling out ‘Hello’. She penned: “Ok. So I post part pictures regularly. This is especially for my younger son who always points out my shortcomings. How to say HELLO in Mandarin.”